cystitis in men

dry heat for cystitis in men

Cystitis in men is a disease of an infectious or non -infectious nature, characterized by an inflammatory process in the mucosa of the bladder. According to statistics, women are more likely to suffer from cystitis, but, nevertheless, sometimes men also have to experience all the "charms" of this pathology.

Representatives of the stronger sex rarely suffer from this disease due to the peculiarity of the structure of their urinary tract, which is much longer than women, and therefore infection of the bladder with bacteria is very difficult. And even if the bacteria penetrate the urethra, they cannot move any further along the urinary tract, and often they are completely washed out of the urethra with a stream of urine.

Therefore, representatives of the stronger sex may encounter this pathology only in a few cases:

  • if their immunity is severely reduced;
  • if the infection has spread into the urinary tract in large quantities.

The reasons

Doctors talk about two main forms of the disease in men - acute and chronic. The acute form is characterized by the severity of clinical symptoms, and chronic cystitis in men can persist for years with subtle symptoms, with periodic worsening.

Various factors can cause the disease:

  • kidney and ureter infections;
  • the focus of chronic infection in the body;
  • genital infections;
  • radiation exposure;
  • the presence of prostatitis or urethritis;
  • sepsis;
  • entry into the bladder Mycobacterium tuberculosis;
  • allergic reactions.

The main predisposing factor for the development of cystitis is hypothermia, in which the disease can occur in people with reduced immunity. In addition, cystitis is often encountered by men with pathologies such as prostate adenoma or cancer of this organ.

As for the pathogens that cause acute cystitis, it is mostly Proteus, but pathology can also occur due to exposure to coca, E. coli and other bacterial infections.


As noted above, cystitis in men is classified into acute and chronic. But these two major types of pathology also have their own types. So, acute cystitis can:

  • bachelor;
  • rare;
  • frequent.

When they say that the disease is rare, they mean the frequency of occurrence of 1 time a year or less, and when they often say that, it is assumed 2 times a year or more often.

For chronic cystitis, it is also available in several types:

  • latent, that is, continuing without severe symptoms or without symptoms at all, but nevertheless having a period of deterioration occurring from one to several times a year;
  • persistent, in which signs of the disease appear 2-3 times a year;
  • interstitial, characterized by regular deterioration (more often than 3 times a year) and the presence of pain, and general symptoms (weakness, fever, etc. ).

Interstitial cystitis is the most severe form of pathology, and it is more difficult to treat than other forms of the disease.

It should be noted that when the pathology is divided into acute and chronic cystitis, then the main criterion is not the number of deteriorations per year, but the changes that occur with the mucous membranes of the affected organs. In particular, in chronic pathology, the mucosa undergoes changes, structure and discoloration.

In addition to the types described above, the disease in men is divided into two types, depending on the nature of the occurrence. It can be either primary or secondary cystitis.

They talk about the main one when the disease first appears and its appearance is not associated with any pathological process in the body. Secondary cystitis develops as a result of other diseases of the internal organs and bladder. In particular, bladder injuries, the presence of stones, tumors in organs, foreign body entry, etc. (cystic origin cause), or prostatitis, spinal disease and other diseases (non -vesical cause. . ) can lead to its appearance.

And the final classification of this pathology in men is to distinguish three forms of pathology, depending on the area of the bladder affected. So, if the neck of the organ is affected, they talk about cervical cystitis, if the triangle of the bladder is affected - about tregonitis, and when the organ wall is involved in the process - about pervasive cystitis.

Types of inflammatory processes

Pathologies such as cystitis in men can develop in different scenarios. The best course is catarrhal, in which there is no change in the mucous membrane of the bladder and it is simply hyperemic. With a phlegmonous course, the disease is accompanied by the release of large amounts of pus in the urine, and with hemorrhagic - blood impurities (caused by injury to the mucosa of the bladder).

Also, there are forms of the disease such as:

  • cyst;
  • gangrenous;
  • ulcerative.

There are also rare types of pathology in medical practice, for example, cystitis that develops with purpura, and others.

The main symptoms

Cystitis has a specific symptomology, which is difficult to confuse with the symptoms of other diseases. In particular, patients complain of pain and frequent urination, after which the desire to urinate again does not stop. There is also a burning sensation in the urethra, impurities in the urine of pus or blood, discoloration and odor of urine.

In most cases, common symptoms of cystitis in men also appear, such as hyperthermia, weakness, fatigue, muscle and joint pain, pain in the groin, scrotum and penis, as well as in the suprapubic area.

For pathological diagnosis, it is not enough that only signs of disease are present - usually, patients are also shown studies such as general blood and urine tests, urine cultures for microflora, and PCR tests.

Renal ultrasound, cystoscopy and cystography are also indicated.


If we talk about the treatment of cystitis in men, then it depends on the form of the disease. Only a urologist should treat this pathology - self -treatment can lead to the development of complications. Acute cystitis is treated according to one scheme, and chronic according to another. In acute cases, patients are prescribed bed rest, plenty of warm drinks, as well as some medications. In particular, painkillers and antispasmodics are indicated to relieve pain symptoms, and antibacterial drugs to destroy infections.

Diet is important - it is necessary to exclude spices and seasonings from the diet, refrain from drinking alcohol, smoked meats and pickles. A good effect is the use of alternative medical methods - the use of herbal decoctions with antiseptic and anti -inflammatory properties.

Usually, the treatment of cystitis in men does not cause difficulties, and if the pathology occurs for the first time, then recovery occurs in 100% of cases, provided that the person follows all the recommendations of the doctor.

The medications for chronic cystitis in men prescribed to him will be similar, but they are supplemented with physiotherapy and some medical procedures. In particular, antibacterial drugs, drugs that relieve cramps and inflammation in organs, as well as drugs that treat the cause of the disease are used.

Physiotherapeutic methods for the treatment of this pathology include:

  • mud applications;
  • UHF;
  • iontophoresis.

In addition, washing the bladder in a medical institution with a solution of furacilin and silver nitrate is indicated.

If the patient has a form of gangrene cystitis, it is required to remove the affected area on the mucous membrane through surgery, after which antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

If the disease is not treated, serious complications can develop. For example, the development of gangrene forms, acute urinary retention, fistula formation, etc. If you treat acute cystitis properly, you can completely get rid of the disease. Chronic, with proper treatment, becomes inactive, with long periods without symptoms.